InstructorMd. Shumon mia
Type: Onsite Course
Start Date: 13 Oct 2023
End Date:
Place: Dhaka,Bangladesh
Seat: 0/15
Course Fee............. TK
Web Design and Development
Professional Web Design
- Introduction to the internet and the World Wide Web
- HTML, XHTML, HTML5 (4×3=12 Hours)
- CSS, CSS3 (5×3=15 Hours)
- JavaScript, Jquery, Ajax (6×3=18 Hours)
- Bootstrap (2×3 = 6 Hours)
Professional Web Development
- PHP (8×3 =24 Hours)
- MySQL (4×3 = 12 Hours)
- Object Oriented PHP (2×3 =6 Hours)
- Real life Project (2×3 = 6 Hours)
Certificate in Web & e-Commerce
- Basic Application Course
- Graphic Design, Web Development (PHP, MySQL).
Course Outline
- Introduction to the internet and the World Wide Web
- Introduction to HTML
- HTML Basics
- HTML Elements
- HTML Attributes
- HTML Syntax
- HTML Headings
- HTML Paragraphs
- HTML Styles
- HTML Formatting
- HTML Links
- HTML Images
- HTML Responsive
- HTML Entities
- HTML Tables
- HTML Forms
- HTML5 Canvas
- HTML5 Data Storage
- HTML5 Audio and Video
- HTML Offline
- Applications
- HTML Geo-location
- HTML Web Workers
- HTML5 Web Sockets
- HTML5 Messaging API
- HTML5 Working with
- Drag and Drop
- Introduction to CSS
- CSS Syntax
- CSS Text
- CSS Backgrounds
- CSS Fonts
- CSS Links
- CSS Lists
- CSS Tables
- CSS Box Model
- CSS Margins, Dimensions, Display
- CSS Navigation Bar
- CSS Attribute Selectors
- CSS Rounded Corners
- CSS Border Images
- CSS Backgrounds
- CSS Colors
- CSS Animations
- CSS Responsive Web Design
- Introduction
- Viewport
- Media Queries
- Images
- Videos
- Frameworks
- Introduction to JavaScript
- JavaScript Output
- JavaScript Variables
- JavaScript Operators
- JavaScript Arithmetic
- JavaScript DataTypes
- JavaScript Assignment
- JavaScript Functions
- JavaScript Objects
- JavaScript Scope
- JavaScript Events
- JavaScript Strings and String
- Methods
- JavaScript Numbers and Number
- Methods
- JavaScript Math
- JavaScript Dates: Formats and Methods
- JavaScript Booleans
- JavaScript Comparisons
- JavaScript Conditions
- JavaScript Switch
- JavaScript Loops
- JavaScript Break
- JavaScript Type
- JavaScript Forms (API and Validation)
- JavaScript Objects
- JavaScript Functions
- JavaScript DOM
- JavaScript Browser BOM
- JavaScript Framat
- Introduction to JQuery
- JQuery Syntax
- JQuery Selectors
- JQuery Events
- JQuery Effects
- JQuery Hide/Show
- JQuery Fade
- JQuery Slide()
- JQuery Animate
- JQuery Stop()
- JQuery Callback
- JQuery Chaining
- JQuery AJAX
- JQuery AJAX Introduction
- JQuery Load
- JQuery Get/Post
- JQuery HTML
- JQuery Get
- JQuery Set
- JQuery Add
- JQuery Remove
- JQuery CSS Classes
- JQuery CSS()
- JQuery Dimensions
- JQuery Traversing
- JQuery Traversing
- JQuery Ancestors
- JQuery Descendents
- JQuery Siblings
- JQuery Filtering
- Introduction to Bootstrap
- Bootstrap Components
- Bootstrap Plugins
- Bootstrap Grids
- Bootstrap JS
- Introduction To PHP
- Installing PHP
- PHP Syntax
- PHP Variables
- PHP Data Types
- PHP Strings
- PHP Constants
- PHP Operators
- PHP Programming Loops
- PHP Functions
- PHP Arrays
- PHP Superglobals
- PHP Forms and XML
- PHP Form Handling
- PHP Form Validation (Server side)
- PHP Required
- PHP XML Parsers
- PHP SimpleXML Parser
- PHP SimpleXML Get
- PHP XML Expat
- PHP with Mysql
- PHP Mysql Database
- PHP Connecting tDatabase
- PHP Creating Records
- PHP Selecting Records
- PHP Deleting Records
- PHP Updating Records
- PHP Limit Data
- PHP Insert Multiple
- AJAX with PHP
- AJAX Introduction
- AJAX Database
- AJAX Live Search
- AJAX RSS Reader
- Introduction to MySQL
- MySQL Administration
- MySQL Installation
- Understanding SQL
- SQL Syntax
- SQL Select, Select TOP
- SQL Distinct
- SQL Where
- SQL And & OR
- SQL Order BY
- SQL Insert Into
- SQL Update
- SQL Delete
- SQL WildCards
- SQL In
- SQL Between
- SQL Aliases
- SQL Joins
- SQL Create DB
- SQL Keys (Primary Key, Foreign
- SQL Create Index
- SQL Functions
- Avg()
- Count()
- First()
- Last()
- Max()
- Min()
- Sum()
- Group By
- Having
- UCase()
- LCase()
- Mid()
- Len()
- Round()
- Now()
- Format()